CNBC: Smart glasses that replace phones may be the next hottest tech trend

There’s a race to replace our iPhones with smart glasses we wear everywhere

Most of the biggest names in Big Tech are racing to create smart glasses that we wear everywhere and that may replace our phones.
Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Snap, Facebook Apple, Magic Leap and others are all working on some form of smart glasses or headset that will change how we view the world around us. Instead of pulling a phone out of our pockets to talk to people or interact with apps, we may do these things simply by speaking to, and looking through, a set of glasses.

There’s a race to be the first to make a set of glasses that everyone will wear, which means they have to be fashionable and sleek enough to wear all day and everywhere you go. Advocates of the technology hope that you’ll one day be able to replace every screen in your life with just one pair of smart glasses.

If glasses replace common gadgets like our phones or computer screens, it will mean big business to the company that comes out on top.
But we’re likely years away from that. Today, most AR headsets are too big, too expensive and simply too weird-looking to make sense for everyday use. That’s not keeping tech companies from trying though.