Is Buying Tableau. These Stocks Could be Next. (ticker: CRM) announced Monday that it will buy Tableau Software (DATA) for about $15.7 billion in stock. That got investors wondering: Which data analytics firms could be next?
CitiGroup laid that out in a note to clients. Here are the companies its researchers think could be the next targets.
 Alteryx (AYX). According to CitiGroup, the Irvine, Calif.-based computer software company is a high strategic fit for both IBM (IBM) and Microsoft(MSFT). For IBM, the researchers said Alteryx “checks a lot of boxes” and could provide IBM with developers and end users to attract people to IBM/Watson’s analytics products. Alteryx also has synergies with Microsofts’s analytics offerings and could attract developer’s to its Azure cloud-computing service. Oracle, SAP, Alphabet, and Amazon were all ranked as medium strategic fits to acquire Alteryx.
 Talend (TLND) could also be a high strategic fit for IBM because it “supplements IBM’s legacy integration business” with its big-data and cloud focus. For that reason, CitiGroup also sees Oracle as a similar fit. Microsoft and SAP could be medium-level fits.
 MongoDB (MDB) isn’t a high or medium strategic fit for anyone, but is still ranked third overall. The researchers note that MongoDB has “a strong developer following and popular alternative data architecture.”
 Elastic (ESTC) was fifth overall, prior to Tableau’s sale. With Tableau off the table, the researchers see Microsoft as the best overall fit for Elastic, but a medium strategic fit overall. The researchers noted that “logging and search could supplement Azure capabilities.” They said that Elastic would also align with Github and Microsoft's open-source business.
 Cloudera (CLDR) could be a medium-level fit for Oracle, CitiGroup wrote. Its “enterprise-focused” and balanced proprietary versus open source.
• Both MicroStrategy (MSTR) and Teradata (TDC) are listed, but the researches don’t see either as better than a lower strategic fit at best, and “not a good fit” at worst. MicroStrategy is ranked a lower fit for IBM, Oracle and SAP because all three could consolidate the market for their competing products. Teradata’s only lower fit listed is Oracle.