Forbe: US Housing sours

The housing market has begun to sour, and in remarkably short order. In just a few months, the real estate environment has gone from bidding wars to a paucity of buyers. Construction activity has slowed and home prices have begun to slip. The weakness is hardly a surprise, since past pricing increases and rising mortgage rates have eroded affordability. What is surprising is how quickly the landscape has changed. Likelihoods suggest it will not change back anytime soon.
Right into spring this year, the housing picture had remained upbeat. Buying activity had picked up, rising almost 20% from mid 2017 right up through May. Builders, having lagged household formation for an extended time, scrambled to catch up. They increased the pace at which they started new residential units 10% during this time. They were still lagging, but with the retiring baby boomers trading down and vacating some homes, the supply offered by new building managed to keep supply up and pricing in line.

According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the median price of a home edged up only some 7% from 2016 to the opening months of this year. Mortgage rates were on the rise, of course, but only gradually. The average rate on a typical mortgage rose only 25 basis points from mid-2017 through this year’s first quarter. Affordability -- the cost of supporting a mortgage on the average home relative to income -- deteriorated but only slightly, with the NAR affordability index falling only 2.5% from the end of 2016 to the opening quarter this year.
Of course, with new construction lagging family formation and buying, it was only a matter of time before prices rose. That happened gradually for some months, but then suddenly this spring the pace of increase picked up sharply. By May, the most recent month for which data are available, median home prices had risen more than 5% from their level of May 2017, no small matter for a homebuyer. Alone, that move eroded affordability, but at the same time, the rise in mortgage rates also began to accelerate. By May, the effective rate had jumped almost half a percent from first quarter levels to over 4.7%. Even as median family incomes continued their gradual rise, these increases in home prices and mortgage rates combined to do, as they say, a number on affordability, which deteriorated more than 13% between January and May.
Little wonder then that buying activity has suddenly turned downward. Commerce Department data show that between March and June, home purchases fell more than 6%, an annualized rate of decline of over 22%. Anecdotal reports from the real estate community verify the picture painted by the Commerce Department’s data. One compiler of such information, Redfin, reports June housing demand ran 9.6% below levels recorded at the same time last year and that requests for tours dropped 6.1% over the same period. 
Nor does it look as though matters will find relief anytime soon. The market could have looked for a halt in upward price pressure if the heightened prices had spurred builders to build and owners to put their houses on the market. But that does not seem to be happening. The Commerce Department reports that builders cut back immediately. New housing starts fell 12.3% in June alone, bringing the pace of new building 4.2% below year-ago levels.

At the same time Redfin recorded that the number of houses for sale on the market today stands 3.8% below year-ago levels and that nationally there are 1.6% fewer listings than a year ago. Though National Association of Realtors data suggest a modest uptick in listings, the difference from Redfin's estimates stands within the margin of statistical error and in any case does not substantively change the picture.

With supply falling as demand abates, there is little reason to expect prices to fall enough to change the picture. In the meantime the Federal Reserve’s commitment to continue raising interest rates points to a further erosion in affordability, and so, if anything, a further drop in demand, albeit at a slower pace than recently. It looks as though the economy will have to find sources of strength other than housing.
There is, however, in this otherwise disappointing news a silver lining of sorts. Because people have backed away in response to higher prices and deteriorating affordability, there is no sign of speculative froth. In the runup to the crisis of 2008-09, people bought despite high prices and low affordability on the, as it turned out false expectation that prices would rise and they could make a profit. Today’s responsiveness to price and affordability speaks to a more balanced and less dangerous attitude and also offers comfort that at least there is little risk of a speculative bubble.