Udemy: Data Science: Deep Learning in Python

6. What does machine learning do?
  • Machine Learning is nothing but geometry problem
  • Prerequisite: Regression ( neuron) - it is the most basic ML problem
    • Line of the best fit ( of the data )
    • y (hat) = wx +b
    • y (hat) = w2x2 +w1x1 +b
    • y (hat) = w ( transport) x + b ( w, x is vector )
    • convention : size of x = D
  • Linear regression - predict a continuous value - regression
  • Linear regression provide the groundwork to progress to DL
  • Logistic regression - predict the category ( classification ), predict the boundary
  • All data is the same, only semantics is different ( changed )
  • You can plug in any data set from your own area of interest, algo doesn't change
7. Neuron Prediction
  • Neuron network is nothing but a bunch of logistic regressions link together 
    • line/plane: w ( transport ) x + b = 0
  • Making prediction
    • encode categories as 0 and 1
    • sigmoid always outputs a number between 0, 1
    • Interpret it as probability 
      •  p ( y = 1 | x ) = (theta) ( w [transport] x + b) - binary logistic regression ( a neuron )
      • (theta)(a) = 1 / 1 + exp(-1)
      • prediction = round ( p( y =1 | x))
    • dotting vs looping -
      • numpy : a.dot(b)
    • samples x of shape N x D
      • N = numbers of sampes
      • D = numbers of features
      • Lower case for 1 sample, uppercase for multiple smaples
    • prediction = sigmoid ( X.dot(w) + b ), X is NxD and w is vector of length D
    • numpy use broadcasting to add a scalar
    • we still don't know how to choose w
8. Neuron training
  •  Central is cost function/loss function. ML is nothing but a probability problem
  •  try to solve the max likelihood problem
  • binary cross - entropy ==> find likelihood -> log it -> negate it
    • J = - E ti log(yi)+( 1- ti)log(1 - yi )
    • i = 1 to N
  •  gradient descent for optimization function
    • w <- w - qV J
  •  regularization ( L1 - sparsity, L2 - small weights )
  •  regularization ensure weight does not got to infinite
 9. Review 
  • prediction then training