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You can own your own missile command center and underground bunker, or your own ex-defense nuclear fallout facility. Underground bunkers for sale have skyrocketed recently and it is no wonder with the way the world is at the moment. Some of them are easy too, just order online, dig a hole and get it dropped in and you have just secured yourself one of these underground bunkers or storm shelters.
Super scary... ( click )
You can own your own missile command center and underground bunker, or your own ex-defense nuclear fallout facility. Underground bunkers for sale have skyrocketed recently and it is no wonder with the way the world is at the moment. Some of them are easy too, just order online, dig a hole and get it dropped in and you have just secured yourself one of these underground bunkers or storm shelters.
For those that have it, a bunker is the perfect way to hide out until the dust settles. Whether you are using it for a place to store your long-term food supply, your water supplies, and your protective gear, or you’re making it into a livable environment just in case a nuclear or chemical attack, or a storm happens in your neighborhood, a bunker serves its purpose in a modern day world, there’s no doubt about that.
If you were considering buying one, you are definitely not alone. Records show that sales have been on a rapid increase over the past two years, even more so given concerns of a nuclear strikethe tension between the US and its aggressors, terrorism and the increase in heavy storms and hurricanes. And those sales haven’t just been by doomsday preppers either. More cashed up doomsday life-insurance seekers have been buying up available millionaire bunkers from Vivos and the Atlas Survival Condo.
So who are these manufacturers and property developers so intent that there is going to be an apocalypse that we actually need underground survival resorts, and are there any left?
Here’s a short list of the ones we have compiled below, and how much they cost:
Thankfully, the hardcore doomsday preppers haven’t snapped them all up just yet. We’ve found some bunkers and shelters that you can get right now all the way from ex-defense missile silos to in-the-ground DIY bunkers and even luxury bunkers you can share with other end-of-the-worlders.
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1. Atlas Survival Shelters – BombNado

In what is reported to be one of the fastest growing businesses this decade in manufacturing, Atlas Survival Shelters has an impressive array of underground bunkers that are either off the plan or custom made for American homes. Their North American bunker manufacturing plants span over 600,000 square feet which is the space required to roll off more than 1000 shelters each year. That’s right, they make more than 1000 underground bunkers and underground shelters each year. That proves that if you are in the market for an underground bunker, you are not on your own.
Atlas Survival uses technology from Switzerland and Israel, as those two places have building regulations that require every dwelling and building to have a fallout shelter with NBC filtration. For Atlas, they provide their bunkers with hand crank NBC (nuclear, biological and chemical) filter units so that should the power go out, your filter can work without the need for electricity.
You’re not stuck with choice when you check out Atlas Shelter’s interesting array of underground bunker designs, which change not only in space and size, but also with their unique designs which look very impressive. One of their most popular designs, and one of the more affordable ones, is their flagship in-home fallout bunker, the BombNado.
The BombNado underground bunker isn’t just a fallout shelter either, as you can see by the images below, Atlas Survival Shelters encourage underground bunker buyers to use their shelters now, rather than just waiting for it to be an end-of-the-world hotel or as a tornado shelter. Some of the designs that they offer have under-the-house bunkers transformed into office environments, hobby workshops, wine room, bachelor pads and entertainment rooms, all so you can feel safe while actually doing what you enjoy.
While this list isn’t in any particular order, I put these guys first specifically because their units are designed to be used as extra rooms in the house (sure, they’re located through a trapdoor in the garage). When it comes to prepping, I’d rather have an extra room I can use now as an office or in home theatre, and know that it is safe to use in a storm or nuclear attack than to pay a large amount of money for a spot in one of the millionaire bunkers that I might never get to see. But hey, that’s the risk of doomsday insurance, and you can never be too prepared.
2. Underground Nuclear Bunker For Sale, Kansas, US
This 10-acre property, complete with an underground communication bunker is a nuclear-hardened underground center ready to withstand anything. Let’s just say that if the end of the world was coming, I’d be happy to be cooped up in here.
The space of the underground area is huge at almost 12000 square foot of free-to-roam space. It has an on-site well and a 10,000-gallon stainless steel water storage unit with duel sewage ejector pumps all in place and functional with a working bathroom.
The rooms are pretty big with two-foot wall and ceiling thickness and then an extra four foot of earth on top of that. For air filtration, it runs on a closeable system to keep clean air in the bunker and works alongside a 225kw generator which is located in its own room.
As for the entrance, it has 3000lb blast doors with an escape hatch and decontamination shower to remove any possible nuclear, biological or chemical radicles you may be carrying on your skin or clothing.

You can view the eBay listing for the property here
3. Vivos xPoint Private or Shared Underground Bunkers

Outside view of Vivos xPoint bunkers
In a truly ambitious project in the Black Hills area of South Dakota, just south of the City of Edgemont, lies the world’s largest community bunker area of interlinked bunkers. It was a former army munitions depot consisting of 575 hardened concrete military bunkers. Each shelter has been renovated to be a completely self-sufficient life preserving nuclear fallout bunker which is built to withstand a 500,000-pound internal blast.
Let’s just say, if you are in one of these, you’re going to be safe. They are designed to withstand virtually anything as the bunkers are protected by thick berms of earth, which stops any surface damage. They are self-sufficient with access to off-grid water wells that pump deep from the artesian aquifer and stored within large underground reinforced tanks.
If you are planning on throwing a doomsday party, there’s plenty of space for friends, with each bunker having the floor space to accommodate 10 – 24 people and cater for them for more than a year with supplies.
As far as pricing goes, the Vivos xPoint underground bunkers are quite competitive. Given that they are refurbished military sites and have that community aspect to them, have private roads and landing strips, if you are making the investment for a bunker not in the home, but one that is managed by professionals experienced in nuclear survival and, well, doomsday prepping, then these bunkers are very good option.
The private bunkers, which fit anywhere from 10-24 people, cost a one-time upfront amount of $25,000 and are followed with an annual preservation fee of $1000. Splitting that with your friends makes this a very affordable bunker, however, you just need to convince them to invest in end-of-the-world insurance, and you’d want to hope they are good enough friends that you could stay locked up in a bunker with them.
I have also been contacted by one of my readers who is currently selling their Vivos Indiana bunker membership due to relocation. If you are in the Indiana area and are interested in securing the limited Indiana Vivos underground bunker membership you can find out more information through the Indiana Vivos contact email.

Interior of the Vivos xPoint 10-24 person bunker

Floor plan of the Vivos xPoint Bunker
If $25,000 if a little too steep, or you just don’t have a family big enough to warrant that type of purchase, Terra Vivos have also catered for the more smaller groups and singles out there that still want doomsday insurance. You can buy a private space in a shared bunker in the Vivos xPoint facility, which will set you back at $7,500 per person with a monthly expense fee of $50 per person. That’s a lot more affordable than the private space and much easier to convince significant others who might not be so eager to spend money in the name of preparedness.
With the shared space bunker you are essentially paying for what is a luxury doomsday dorm, complete with seperate bedding and a communal area for entertainment and cooking.

Vivos xPoint Shared Bunker Plan

4. Ex-Defense Missile Launch Underground Bunker, Missouri, US

This is an ex-Department of Defense military installation with an amazing build site well underground. It sits 35-feet below ground level and has more than 2000 square feet of bunker space. To access the facility, you either have an elevator shaft (currently not working) or a catwalk ladder system.
For the entry, it has two thick blast doors and an escape hatch and nearby the front is an air pump, a pump for the drains and the sewage. It also has the benefit of being EMP proof, which is a big concern at the moment for the US electrical grid system.
For the above ground center, it is more than 4,136 sq ft with five bedrooms and two bathrooms. It has all of its basic necessities too, such as a large fridge, oven, stove, dishwasher and water heater as well as the electrics with heating, internet and a secure access room to go into the bunker.
For the property, it is nine acres of farmable land with a chained fence and barbed wire. There’s also a helicopter pad (if you have one) to get there in a rush. In terms of looking at underground bunkers for sale, I am not you can find as many as good as this military bunker. However, you might need to do a little more work to get it fully operational.

You can check this one out here.
5. Europa One

Europa One is built into the hillside in an old Soviet bunker in Rothenstein
This is another project from the successful Terra Vivos creators, who seem to run the gauntlet when it comes to the world’s most luxurious doomsday shelters and underground bunkers. I could not have written this post without including the Europa One, which is the world’s largest private shelter.
The Europa One is located in Rothenstein, Germany. It was formerly an old Soviet-built underground complex spanning 250,000 square feet and is nothing short of an underground city. It is able to house 6000 people, and has a small zoo, storage for cultural treasures, and a gene bank for plants and animals, should life be wiped out and someone has to start it again. Should any sh-t hit the fan event really happen, the Europa One is capable of supporting all of its inhabitants underground for several years without needing any breach to the surface.
The facility itself is tough. The 76-acre hardened facility is able to withstand a close-range nuclear blast, a direct airliner crash, biological and chemical agents, massive shock waves, earthquakes, electromagnetic pulses, flooding and virtually any armed attack. While the essential living and life-preserving necessities are below ground, above ground are offices, apartments, warehouse buildings and a train depot which built around the massive underground bunker.
Each family is given a private area in the facility, capable of being turned into a two-story home with a built potential of up to 465-square meters. As one of the world’s most luxurious bunkers, the pricing is not going to be cheap. To secure a room, private apartments cost 2 million euro (USD$2.45 million), while semi-private suites will cost 35,000 euro per-person (USD$43,000).
6. Fully Functioning Underground Shelter, Montana, US

This 20-acre property popped up on my radar only recently, and it looks like someone has really taken good care of the place.
The property is a nice regional escape, and what would be a prime bug out location. But it also has a large fully-functioning underground shelter on the property that has more infrastructure cost than the asking price of the property combined.
Its terrain is varied with a high ridge that hides an existing mobile home currently being lived in by seller. The shelter was built in the late 1980’s and is still functioning. This shelter is located in an area that has several existing shelters.
This shelter was built for 100 person emergency occupancy. Okay, so there needs to be a bit of cleaning done and it needs to be emptied of old food and other supplies. Check out the photos below of this epic Montana property. The view is enough in its own right.
7. Off-The-Grid Underground Bunkers For Sale, US

These things from Survive-A-Storm are epic. They are a 12-foot wide underground bunker and can go from 20-foot in length, or 40-foot for giant families.
On the outset, these shelters are liveable and great. While they are the price of a new home, at around USD$60,000, they do act as such with their home facilities such as bathrooms, kitchens, recreational areas and bunk beds. Who’d buy these types of underground bunkers? The US Military and Fortune 500 companies of course. They are what Survive-A-Storm say are their biggest customers for these types of establishments. And yes, these are bomb proof as they can withstand shock and come with NBC filtration so that you can survive a nuclear attack in one of these shelters.
Their underground bunker’s specifications have a lot of added extras too, such as:
Standard Survival Bunker Structural Specifications
- Streamlined and stealth installation-all records are sealed and installation is absolutely confidential and delivered with company-owned trucks
- 1/4″ Steel rectangular tank-twice as thick as other offerings
- Structural channel and tubular exoskeleton 24″ on center Sher-tar coal tar epoxy coating for cathodic protection-applied at 30 wet mills
- Sacrificial cathodic anodes buried with bunker for extended life
- Sher-tar coal tar epoxy coating for cathodic protection-applied at 30 wet mills
- 12′ wide design-20% larger than square offerings and 50% larger than pipe offerings
Bunker Door Specifications
- Triple locking gasketed system with dual rods and paddle lock. Exit allowed even if exterior is locked.
- Ergonomic 45-degree entry system with staircase and double door entry for Nuclear and ballistic protection
- Secondary door at main entrance with sliding gun port
- Hidden emergency escape tunnel system positioned in hidden room at 45 degree angle with 1/4″ door
- Both entrances and ventilation hidden under resin rock
- 6,000 pound emergency jack on main entrance
Air Filtration System
NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical) filtration system-60 CFM filtered and 235 CFM unfiltered with HEPA filter, 4″ hidden intake and exhaust, adjustable overpressure valve, emergency hand crank and 101 PSI blast valve. Valve is lockable to ensure waterproofing and air proofing.
Plumbing & Electrical Systems
Comes with a 250 Gallon potable water tank, Shurflo 1 GPM 60 PSI on-demand potable water pump, Nature’s Head composting toilet with 12 volt exhaust fan, porcelain lavatory with undersink storage and a 36″ corner shower with walls and door.
The electrical system has twin 255 watt solar panels with mount, Xantrex 1800 charging hub with four 100 Amp Hour deep cycle batteries, Parallax 30 amp 110 volt/12 volt distribution panel, Marine Air Origo 3000 alcohol cooktop with 6,800 BTU burners, 3.5 cubic foot Energystar mini refrigerator2.5 gallon point of use water heater for shower.
And of course for your underground bunker’s security, a FLIR camera system with automatic notifications.
Interior Features
The 12×40 sleeps up to ten people and 12×20 sleeps up to four people and has a sectional sofa (83″ x 68″), Residential cabinets with overhead cabinets, hidden storage room with bookcase providing access to gun and food lockers and mechanical area, a queen bed with hinged storage compartment beneath, four bunkbeds with storage beneath each bed.
Check out the pictures of what these things look like on the outside:
9. Nuclear and EMP survival shelter, Arizona, US
This half-completed project is mobile, which is a great feature as you can pick it up in the back of a truck and park it out the back of your house or property for when the sh-t hits the fan. So what is this thing? It is an EMP shelter, which means if you step inside, you are going to lose any phone signal.
It goes a step further than that, this little survival shelter is a liveable area with beds, supply storage area and the necessities. The interior plumbing is done for this to be a self-contained nuclear, biological and chemical proof shelter with a power source, filter, solar panels and everything else you’d need.

You can check out this portable NBC survival shelter here
10. Trident Lakes
Trident Lakes, what an ambitious project. And yes, add this to the list of doomsday resorts that have popped up recently. But Trident Lakes is a little different to most of these ‘hole in the ground’ type of underground bunkers, while being marketed as a “It’s a five-star playground with DEFCON 1 preparedness” project, this end-of-the-world resort takes a more practical approach to surviving doomsday scenarios, but in saying that, it is well and truly out of the price range for myself and a lot of other preppers.
So what is it? It is a new publicly available property that sets the benchmark for luxury and security in this modern day doomsday property market. It is a $320 million project that features sustainable, luxurious, self-sufficient living around a golf course 5-star spa, sports courts, blue lagoons for water sports, gun ranges, equestrian center, and of course a retail area with restaurants and cafes. The living areas are in 500 plus subterranean luxury condominiums which range from 900 to 4,500 square feet. Not only are these built to withstand a nuclear blast and fallout, but they are also linked below ground with conjoining greenhouses, communal tunnels, and have access to helipads. It sounds like a film right?
The condominiums prioritize safety as well as self-sufficiency in that they are stockpiled with emergency food supplies, water supply and a renewable source for each, as well as off-grid power generators. Oh, and did I mention it is guarded by a fortified wall around the entire facility?
While applications are open to the public, there are some requirements that the facility has in place. Not only is the ticket high at $500,000 – one million dollars but the facility’s managers are after people with certain professions, namely ones that will become useful in a doomsday situation such as teachers, doctors, law enforcement and other civil servants and will be offering special financing to those that have those helpful skills.
Trident Lakes, unlike many of these other underground bunkers and fallout shelters, is not available yet, and while they are expecting to finish construction in late 2018/2019, they are filling up with spots of people wanting to live there, as it is not only a doomsday resort, but a sustainable and luxury home for the world’s rich to enjoy now.
11. Underground shipping container bunker, your backyard, Oklahoma
These guys are in the business of constructing pop-up underground shelters in Oklahoma. Their steel bunkers have a 10-year warranty against leaks and corrosion and exceed the standards set by FEMA.
The best thing about these is you can choose the size you want, where you want to have it, and they will deliver it for free.
For the specifications of the build of the bunker, it has:
- Thick 1/4″ steel
- EF5 Tornado rating
- Wide doors, with one at each end
- Door seal and deadbolt
- Gas assisted door lift
- Free delivery

You can check out Oklahoma Shelters steel bunkers here.
12. Underground Granger safety shelters
However, I wouldn’t want to be spending more than a week in one of these as they are only for short emergencies (which weather ones generally are). The Granger shelter uses a polymer construction which is thick and insanely durable. It has a 500-year lifespan as well so it’s something you could pass down to the kids or keep on the property if you live in an area regularly affected by cyclones.
For the build, it has a thick aluminum door which exceeds FEMA standards and is gas assisted. It has an LED lighting system, non-float design and a limited lifetime warranty.

You can check out Granger Safety Shelters here.
13. Survive-A-Storm 10 ft. x 6 ft Max Underground Shelter
This huge Survive-a-Storm Max Model 10×6 underground steel storm shelter is ideal for large families or small businesses and can fit a whopping 16 occupants. If you are a family that likes a lot of space, or you have a huge stockpile of preparedness supplies, this might be the ideal storm survival shelter, or what is effectively an underground bunker .
This Max storm shelter measures 10 ft. long by 6 ft. wide, and can be buried in your yard in just a few hours.
What does this shelter come with? It has an impressive build with its survival features such as:
- 10-gauge steel construction with 1/4 in. floor and reinforcements for superior strength
- Strong, 1/4″ structural steel surrounds exterior to resist ground pressures
- Double-welded construction for a watertight seal
- Proprietary pressure tested to ensure no leaks
- Structural extended floor uses earth above to provide over 20,000 pounds to keep the shelter from floating
- Triple-locking, single-lever latching mechanism with keyed door handle
- Gasketed door with spring-loaded assists for easy opening and closing with Durable twin springs to provide “zero weight” door
- Perimeter steel bench seating for optimal comfort and structural support
- Plumbing and electrical connection hookups for added functionality
- Carpeted interior
You can check out Survive-A-Storm underground shelters here.
14. Survive-A-Storm 6ft x 10ft Compact below-ground shelter
This underground tornado storm shelter uses a vertical stair ladder uses bench seating all the way around the sides of this contained unit to maximize its 10x6ft spacing.
It also comes with:
- Electric and telephone conduits
- Indoor carpeting
- 10-gauge steel construction with 1/4 in. floor and reinforcements for superior strength
- Triple-locking, single-lever latching mechanism with keyed door handle
- Perimeter steel bench seating for optimal comfort and structural support
- Double-welded construction for a watertight seal
- Hydraulic jack and mounting points ensure you can open your door even if it’s obstructed by storm debris
When you are caught up in one of these underground bunkers for sale, bug out shelter or survival shelter, remember that you are probably going to need some stuff while you are down there too. In the event of a nuclear attack, chemical attack or plague, sure, these bunkers are going to keep you safe, but you are going to need a good supply of food as both long shelf-life foods, freeze-dried food supplies and a good stockpile of water. But don’t forget that you are going to need protective gearand the right gas mask to be able to withstand any contamination from radiation, chemicals, sicknesses or any other threat to your safety the outside might pose.