WOW 时刻
Got an INTERVIEW? Then YOU need to know this:
1. Why did you apply for the role?
Whatever the reason, know your “why” and be ready to enunciate it.
2. Why do you want to work for the company in question?
Don’t tell them who and what they are; they already know that. Tell them what makes the company appealing to YOU.
3. What is your understanding of the role?
This is your interpretation of the job description.
4. How will you add value to the company?
Talk about your strengths and what makes YOU the best candidate.
5. Know your own resume inside out.
You may be asked to talk them through it.
6. Know your expectation of salary, benefits, bonus and commissions.
Try to find out what fair market value is, or ask your recruiter.
7. Know what your current employment notice period is and what your start date can be.
8. Know how to answer behavioural questions using C.A.R.L.
(Context, Action, Result, Learning)
9. Know something about the workplace culture.
Review Glassdoor.
10. Know the background of your interviewer(s).
Review LinkedIn and Google.
11. Know which questions YOU want answers to.
Most importantly, know that if you are prepared and are simply yourself, you have just as much chance as anybody else!
Whatever the reason, know your “why” and be ready to enunciate it.
2. Why do you want to work for the company in question?
Don’t tell them who and what they are; they already know that. Tell them what makes the company appealing to YOU.
3. What is your understanding of the role?
This is your interpretation of the job description.
4. How will you add value to the company?
Talk about your strengths and what makes YOU the best candidate.
5. Know your own resume inside out.
You may be asked to talk them through it.
6. Know your expectation of salary, benefits, bonus and commissions.
Try to find out what fair market value is, or ask your recruiter.
7. Know what your current employment notice period is and what your start date can be.
8. Know how to answer behavioural questions using C.A.R.L.
(Context, Action, Result, Learning)
9. Know something about the workplace culture.
Review Glassdoor.
10. Know the background of your interviewer(s).
Review LinkedIn and Google.
11. Know which questions YOU want answers to.
Most importantly, know that if you are prepared and are simply yourself, you have just as much chance as anybody else!
Sunlight destroys virus quickly, new govt. tests find, but experts say pandemic could last through summer
Preliminary results from government lab experiments show that the coronavirus does not survive long in high temperatures and high humidity, and is quickly destroyed by sunlight, providing evidence from controlled tests of what scientists believed — but had not yet proved — to be true.
A briefing on the preliminary results, marked for official use only and obtained by Yahoo News, offers hope that summertime may offer conditions less hospitable for the virus, though experts caution it will by no means eliminate, or even necessarily decrease, new cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. The results, however, do add an important piece of knowledge that the White House’s science advisers have been seeking as they scramble to respond to the spreading pandemic.
The study found that the risk of “transmission from surfaces outdoors is lower during daylight” and under higher temperature and humidity conditions. “Sunlight destroys the virus quickly,” reads the briefing.
While that may provide some good news about the outlook for outdoor activities, the Department of Homeland Security briefing on the results cautions that enclosed areas with low humidity, such as airplane cabins, “may require additional care to minimize risk of transmission.”
In a statement to Yahoo News, the DHS declined to answer questions about the findings and strongly cautioned against drawing any conclusions based on unpublished data.
澳大利亞蒙納士大學(Monash University)研究團隊發現,主要用來治療頭虱的“伊維菌素”(Ivermectin)可在2日內殺死新型冠狀病毒細胞。雖然此一藥物已普遍使用,但最快1個月才會進入人體實驗階段。該結論已發表在《抗病毒研究》(Antiviral Research)雜誌上。
報道說,對抗新型冠狀病毒藥物相關研究迎來好消息,據澳洲聯合新聞社消息,蒙納士大學(Monash University)研究團隊發現,主要用來治療頭虱的“伊維菌素”(Ivermectin)可在2日內殺死新型冠狀病毒細胞。雖然此一藥物已普遍使用,但最快1個月才會進入人體實驗階段。該結論已發表在《抗病毒研究》(Antiviral Research)雜誌上。
蒙納士大學生物成像研究所的瓦格斯塔夫(Kylie Wagstaff)博士於周五指出,使用單劑量的抗頭虱藥物“伊維菌素”,可以在48小時內阻止新型冠狀病毒在細胞培養中生長。瓦格斯塔夫指出,即使是單劑量的素注射,能在48小時內清除病毒所有的核糖核酸(RNA),甚至在24小時內能夠顯著減少其RNA。
發生於武漢的2019新型冠狀病毒疾病(COVID-19)迅速傳染全球,中共近期加強「甩鍋」卸責,同時發動正向宣傳戰與抗疫物資外交,參酌中共文宣統戰歷史似已不足為奇,然而美國前司法部檢察官克萊曼(Larry Klayman)對此忍無可忍,3月18日發起集體訴訟,指控中共政府、中共軍方與中國科學院武漢病毒研究所,違反生物武器的國際條約,求償20兆美元,約合台幣605兆。
克萊曼目前是律師以及NPO倡議組織「自由觀察」(Freedom Watch)創辦人,他在起訴書指出,病毒雖像是意外洩露,但涉嫌被製作並儲備作為生物武器,可被用來對付敵人,對象不僅限於美國人民。
在此不久之前,美國佛羅里達州4名居民以及某家棒球訓練中心,於3月12日委託知名法律事務所「伯曼法律集團」(The Berman Law Group)律師摩爾(Matthew Moore),在佛州聯邦法院對中國政府、中國衛生部、中國民政部、中國應急管理部、湖北省政府以及武漢市政府等中共各級政府提出民事求償之集體訴訟。
伯曼法律集團創辦人伯曼(Russell Berman)接受美國國家廣播電視(NBC)所屬的西棕櫚灘電視台(WPTV)採訪表示:「這起訴訟是對超級大國的一次挑戰,因為中國在世界引爆疫情大流行,讓美國和佛州的居民,天天面臨倍增的風險跟傷害。」摩爾也表示,倘若全美國受害者都參與訴訟,求償金額可達數十億美元。
相對於來自美國民間的指控,美國政界也醞釀相關行動。美國國務院發言人歐塔加斯(Morgan Ortagus)3月23日推文特別提及,台灣早在去年底就提醒世界衛生組織(WHO)對疫情嚴加戒備,反觀中國政府卻試圖隱匿疫情,質疑中國在公布疫情的時間撒謊,造成全球性的重大災難。
3月24日美國眾議院則提出兩黨決議,當日《福斯新聞》(Fox News)報導,印第安納州共和黨眾議員班克斯(Jim Banks)和麻州民主黨眾議員莫爾頓(Seth Moulton)共同提案,要求譴責中共當局對肺炎的錯誤措施,加劇疫情大流行,包括故意散佈錯誤訊息、淡化疫情風險、拒絕與國際衛生部門合作、對醫生和記者進行審查、污衊病毒源自美國、驅逐外籍記者等等。
密蘇里州共和黨參議員霍利(Josh Hawley)也提案要求量化疫情危害程度,建立對中國的賠償機制,並且呼籲各國公衛官員展開國際調查,追究中國加劇疫情大流行,對美國以及全世界的傷害。
美國海軍戰爭學院海洋法與政策教授拉斯卡(James Kraska)則撰文指出,各國可藉由國際法對中國政府或者是中共的行為提告。拉斯卡以2002年中國隱瞞SARS疫情為例,為避免重蹈覆轍,當時WHO在2005年通過《國際衛生條例》,特別提到若涉及SARS等類似疾病,成員國有義務在24小時內共享訊息。中共當局在疫情防控初期已有違反此法律之嫌。

UK’s Boris Johnson tests positive
U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced he has tested positive for COVID-19. “Over the last 24 hours I have developed mild symptoms and tested positive for coronavirus,” he said on Twitter. “I am now self-isolating, but I will continue to lead the government’s response via video-conference as we fight this virus.”
“The test was carried out in No 10 by NHS staff and the result of the test was positive,” a spokesman for No. 10 Downing Street said in a statement. “In keeping with the guidance, the Prime Minister is self-isolating in Downing Street.
“The test was carried out in No 10 by NHS staff and the result of the test was positive,” a spokesman for No. 10 Downing Street said in a statement. “In keeping with the guidance, the Prime Minister is self-isolating in Downing Street.
賣場這4雷區病菌炸多 醫:包裝好的食物最可怕
一、手推車 - 進入賣場都會找台手推車,但推車的手柄處沾滿細菌,恐是整個賣場、市場中最髒的工具之一。
a.傳統市場 - 傳統市場的手推車細菌量約是家中浴室門把的361倍,毎平方有73356菌數。
b.百貨超市 - 百貨的生鮮超市,手推車的把柄約是馬桶沖水按鈕的270倍,毎平方有8112菌數。
c.大賣場 - 大賣場用手推車把柄,約是你家廚房門把3倍多的病菌,每平方有1006菌數,
以大賣場的推車手柄為例說明 - 手推車上約有88%對人體有害格蘭陰性桿菌,依序是格蘭陽性桿菌(6.2%)、格蘭陽性球菌(5%)、芽孢桿菌(0.6%)可見病菌幾乎都在手把上,每個人的手都帶病菌入賣場,挑選貨品了。
二、冷凍食品的門 - 大賣場最髒的地方就是氣溫最低的地方,冷凍食品的門比手推車更髒,約是手機的1235倍,每平方有33340菌數。也許是冷凍食品,顧客會不斷開關冷凍門來挑選食材,當然也會沾染上許多病菌。
三、散裝的食品 - 前面提到,採購前每個人都帶著充滿病菌的手入賣場,在挑選過程中,許多人常看一下、摸一下,這動作讓商品的病菌比寵物的碗多了11倍,每平方約3310000菌數。
四、保裝好的生鮮食品 - 這應該是許多人沒想到的,食品保裝在一起可提升業績,但也提升病菌聚集的數量,推測是包裝的生鮮食品攤位不易噴消毒水,估計其病菌是牙刷2140218倍,每平方約有5666667的菌數。醫師也說,解決辦法很容易,就把逛賣場當做上廁所,因為如廁後我們都會洗手,去完賣場也務必要洗手。此外,在賣場的工作人員更要勤洗手,因為客戶的健康,間接的掌握在工作人員雙手中。若最後有將手推車推到停車場,提醒要記住用75%乾洗手清潔再回家。
疫情影響工作 5準備在手 失業也不慌
Update: Bay Area schools closed through May 1
Seven Bay Area county health officers, in collaboration with their six county superintendents of schools have made a unified, regional decision to extend school closures and student dismissals from regular school attendance through May 1, 2020 to slow the spread of COVID-19 to the maximum extent possible. The safety and wellness of students, school personnel, and the community continue to be our highest priorities.
Letter to tenants
Dear Resident,
We hope this letter finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy. The past few weeks have, undoubtedly, been some of the most life-changing weeks we’ve seen in modern times. The threat of the COVID-19 virus has taken this country by storm. We are hoping and praying that the extreme social distancing will prove effective to slow the spread of this illness and that we’ll all soon be back to normal. As your property management and owner, We want to reach out and address a few important issues regarding the pandemic as well as your tenancy.
1) Social Distancing’s Purpose: Right now, no doubt you’ve heard about (and are engaged in) what we refer to as “social distancing.” The purpose of this world-wide action is not simply to stop you from getting sick; the larger purpose is to slow down the progression of this virus so hospitals will not be overwhelmed with those who are most likely to be affected. Without social distancing, hospitals will quickly be overrun with far too many patients and not enough equipment to handle it. As such, we just encourage you to stay home and follow the guidelines set forth by the CDC, which you can read more about by going to
2) Maintenance and Repairs: Due to the restrictions on work and the need to keep government-mandated social distancing, we may be slower than normal to respond to non-emergency maintenance requests. Please don’t hesitate to call us with any requests, but please be patient as we work on what we can when we can. And if any maintenance workers are sent to your home, please be sure to keep at least six feet away from them, to maintain the social distancing.
3) Rent Payments: As of now, the owners of rental properties in the United States are still responsible for making their mortgage payments to their banks, as well as paying for taxes, insurance, repairs, and other expenses needed to maintain your home. We still need to make sure we receive income to cover these bills.
If you have lost all ability to pay rent, including losing your job, your other sources of income, your unemployment has run out, and no government assistance comes to fruition, then please call property management office as soon as possible so we can help you go over your options. Communication is key and urgent.
This is a rapidly changing time for everyone, tenants and landlords alike and we will continue to monitor the economic landscape in the coming weeks and months. Thank you for being a valued tenant and we look forward to getting through these tough times together. As always, don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Owner _______________________________
We hope this letter finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy. The past few weeks have, undoubtedly, been some of the most life-changing weeks we’ve seen in modern times. The threat of the COVID-19 virus has taken this country by storm. We are hoping and praying that the extreme social distancing will prove effective to slow the spread of this illness and that we’ll all soon be back to normal. As your property management and owner, We want to reach out and address a few important issues regarding the pandemic as well as your tenancy.
1) Social Distancing’s Purpose: Right now, no doubt you’ve heard about (and are engaged in) what we refer to as “social distancing.” The purpose of this world-wide action is not simply to stop you from getting sick; the larger purpose is to slow down the progression of this virus so hospitals will not be overwhelmed with those who are most likely to be affected. Without social distancing, hospitals will quickly be overrun with far too many patients and not enough equipment to handle it. As such, we just encourage you to stay home and follow the guidelines set forth by the CDC, which you can read more about by going to
2) Maintenance and Repairs: Due to the restrictions on work and the need to keep government-mandated social distancing, we may be slower than normal to respond to non-emergency maintenance requests. Please don’t hesitate to call us with any requests, but please be patient as we work on what we can when we can. And if any maintenance workers are sent to your home, please be sure to keep at least six feet away from them, to maintain the social distancing.
3) Rent Payments: As of now, the owners of rental properties in the United States are still responsible for making their mortgage payments to their banks, as well as paying for taxes, insurance, repairs, and other expenses needed to maintain your home. We still need to make sure we receive income to cover these bills.
If you have lost all ability to pay rent, including losing your job, your other sources of income, your unemployment has run out, and no government assistance comes to fruition, then please call property management office as soon as possible so we can help you go over your options. Communication is key and urgent.
This is a rapidly changing time for everyone, tenants and landlords alike and we will continue to monitor the economic landscape in the coming weeks and months. Thank you for being a valued tenant and we look forward to getting through these tough times together. As always, don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Owner _______________________________
Which Silicon Valley city is best prepared to deal with a recession?
With Wall Street entering correction
territory last week because of the wild swings brought on by concerns of
the coronavirus spread, another fear is rising — that the nation is
headed for a recession. If that's the case, then one city in Silicon
Valley reportedly is best positioned to weather such an economic storm.
According to a new analysis by the site SmartAsset,
Sunnyvale is the only city on the West Coast to crack the top 10 of
cities most recession-resistant cities. Topping the list was Frisco,
Texas, followed by Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and then Plano, Texas, in third
place. Sunnyvale placed sixth.
Sunnyvale, a city of about 141,000 people that's tucked between Santa
Clara and Mountain View? SmartAsset's analysis found that Sunnyvale
ranks in the top 20 percent for three categories it considered:
employment, housing and social assistance:
- Employment: Sunnyvale's 2018 unemployment rate was 3.8 percent and its labor force participation rate was 73.3 percent.
- Housing: The city has the 27th-lowest housing costs as a percentage of income in the study, at about 20.3 percent. The study also found that it tied for the lowest mortgage delinquency rate in 2018, at 0.3 percent.
- Social assistance: Sunnyvale had about 1 percent of its population relying on public assistance, which tied it in 15th place on this metric.
Here's How Google Knows in Less Than 5 Minutes if Someone Is a Great Leader
Great companies are built by great leaders. (That's why the ability to identify and attract talented people is almost as critical as the ability to develop talented people.)
But since leadership is more art than science, how can you objectively determine if someone is a great leader?
That's a good question, one Google has spent considerable time and effort trying to answer. It only makes sense that one of the most analytical companies in the world puts some of its analytical horsepower into determining how great teams are built and led.
Over time, the company identified the key behaviors of its best team managers. Then Google began asking team members to answer the following questions on a scale of 1 (strongly agree) to 5 (strongly disagree).
Here are Google's leadership evaluation questions:
- My manager gives me actionable feedback that helps me improve my performance.
- My manager does not "micromanage" (get involved in details that should be handled at other levels).
- My manager shows consideration for me as a person.
- The actions of my manager show that he/she values the perspective I bring to the team, even if it is different from his/her own.
- My manager keeps the team focused on our priority results/deliverables.
- My manager regularly shares relevant information from his/her manager and senior leaders.
- My manager has had a meaningful discussion with me about career development in the past six months.
- My manager communicates clear goals for our team.
- My manager has the technical expertise (e.g., coding in Tech, selling in Global Business, accounting in Finance) required to effectively manage me.
- I would recommend my manager to other Googlers.
- I am satisfied with my manager's overall performance as a manager.
Then Google employees are asked to complete two other questions:
12. What would you recommend your manager keep doing?
13. What would you have your manager change?
Notice that only one question, No. 9, asks employees to rate their manager's hard skills.
The Best Managers Are Those Who Help Their Teams Succeed
The evaluation spends almost no time assessing a manager's knowledge, skill, and experience. All but one question focuses on soft skills: communication, feedback, coaching, teamwork, respect, and consideration.
What you know matters, but communicating, delegating, creating a sense of autonomy and purpose...that matters a lot more.
Granted, you could argue that possessing superb technical skills is less important for Google's team managers; after all, it's easier for Google to recruit and retain incredibly skilled people than it is for many companies.
But that argument misses the larger point. While most employees need some degree of training early on, the emphasis soon shifts from what they know to how they use their knowledge and skills.
For example, take question No. 2: "Does my team leader micromanage?" Just about every task has a best practice, so most leaders implement and enforce processes and procedures. For employees, though, engagement and satisfaction are largely based on autonomy and independence.
I care the most when it's "mine." I care the most when I feel I have the responsibility and authority not just to do what I'm told, but to do what is right.
Good leaders establish standards and guidelines and then give their employees the autonomy and independence to work the way they work best within those guidelines.
Good leaders allow their employees to turn "have to" into "want to," because that transforms a job into something much more meaningful: an outward expression of each person's unique skills, talents, and experiences.
Do that, and you can build a great team.
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